Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Insinuated Grandeur copyist-JHRitz

Writer's Guild of America...From her own Bio Page
Janet is represented by WGA (Writer's Guild of America) signatory Monteiro Rose Dravis Agency [the godly mega churches use/own this agency, no real talent]

Janet's first novel is a global adventure story that uses complex characters and actual science to discover the solution to the world's dependence on oil. Janet is currently editing the screenplay version of this novel.
Now this looks impressive but... it isn't. Any writer that has written anything that has gotten on the TV or in a Film becomes a member of the WGA. Search her name there. She is not a member. She is even paying someone to write a screenplay for her self published novel.Her award winning Music Carrier?
Janet, the 2004 winner of Yahama's International Music Production Contest, is also an accomplished composer for TV, Film and nationally aired commercials...

Janet has performed with many major artists, including, as a very young girl, background vocals for the band Blue Oyster Cult, to, recently, sitting in with actor Jeff Goldblum's All-Star Jazz Band, which also included other top players, such as renowned saxophone player, Tom Scott (Steely Dan), among many others.

Also, in the area of composition, Janet has worked as a copyist/orchestrator....
Again...She is not a member of SAG, WGA W or WGA E, what has she really worked for. What is sitting in? She played with both Mr. Goldblum and Mr. Scott at the same time. Now lets move on to the international award she won. The Amazing Yamaha award.
The contest began in September 2004 with more than 1,400 entrants logging on to www.yamjams.com and entering original song productions created using Yamaha’s 01X, Motif or AW Series product lines....

In the first round, Peer Review, entrants applied online, chose an appropriate product category and genre, uploaded their music by creating an MP3 file, and reviewed songs from six other contestants. Using Broadjam’s technology, contestants were be able to stream and listen to other contestants’ music, join peer reviews, and participate in forums at selected end-user websites.
So we know she is a good brown noser; her album "tough enough" looks a lot like her book... She is her own Label. And won a self entered contest for amatures with a 10k prize in Yamaha gear. So we have a self published author and a self published musician here. What is she 50+ years old?

Nothing a little money wont buy you.

The Kurds...

Like Israel Janet H Ritz supports the Kurds Fully... the other people with out a home. I actually agree with her, the Kurds have been fucked for a very long time. She wrote a recent diary that was promoted over at Larry Johnson's Blog No Quarter. His Blog is one of my favorites. It sickened me to see her name over on that blogg. Her ass KISSING to popular DK diarists is appalling. Larry Johnson is just another; McJoan is her favorite.
  • Please Don't blame yourself. It sounds like you're a wonderful cat mom. There's just too much uncertainty about the food situation to put it on you and I'm sure your cat knew very well how much you cared for him.

    I'm sure he still knows that.

    I'm really am so sorry this has happened, mcjoan, and it's okay to be furious as well as sad, because it's not your fault.

MCJoan is front page diarist...IE can ban anyone. JHRitz then went on to write a diary about the poisonous cat/dog food. And say it ant so, Larry Johnson posts: "Check out "Breaking: Pet Food Recall-US Wheat Gluten Supplier Identified!" by my cyberfriend, Jhritz."

Monday, April 16, 2007

Her Book....And the one she is working on

First it is hard to find this book of hers. But it was published by a very small publisher: Martin Communications Press (November 2005). So Small I can not find any other book they published. Then I found this....
  • Name, Occupation, EmployerContributionAddress
    Janet Ritz
    Martin Communications (owner)
    Wesley Clark
    PO Box 1505
    Studio City, CA 91614

Looking back at her Daily Kos Comments Are so much more CRAZY
  • Link

    But who would publish it?
    Non sequitur - not nonsequitur
    Evil - not evile
    You - an idiot.
    Keeping count.
    I really don't have time for anymore of this.
    I guess I'll have to let you have the last word.
    Go for it. Spew your hate. Show your bigotry.

  • Link

    Not right now

    I'm finishing up a book about Erciyes, on a deadline, actually, but am missing it because it's my birthday :O)

Well on the first on JHRitz might... and on the second one she put herself on a deadline. LOL
Ohh ya the second book was going to come out over a year ago.
Looks like she missed her deadline. But of course it really doesn't matter when you publish your own novels.

Using the word Ant-Semite

Jhritz is an Israeli apologists often finding nothing wrong with their actions.

A Quick Search: Mrs Ritz used the term 294 times in the last 6 months.


Quit Stalking ME!!!! 75 times and counting.

Following ME 35 times and counting

Recipes 78 times Melted Schmaltz
99 times Chopped Liver

If she disagrees you get some of these.

A little more about Janet Ritz (JHRitz)

Info off DK Profile "Writer, musician and environmental activist, recipient of an Int'l Music Production Prize and the author of two books." Here is her Bio at answers.com her family lineage opened many doors for this one. Mother-Rosalie Ritz and Father Erwin Ritz.

It appears Zaraha Schatz influenced Janet as a child. She was a good friend of the family. But her 3 sisters must of pushed her over the edge. Janet (JHRitz) became horrendous at debating and always demands the last word/comment. Her patented EOM is never that; using it 876 in the last year. Shows just how CRAZY she is. She is the Definition of a Narcissist.

Lets look Back a little into this one

Here is a post at Wesley Clark's securingamerica It is Cached Here.

Submitted by pia1482 on January 9, 2007 - 11:40pm.

ran Women 4Clark. Funny you would bring that up donjo, because I was just thinking about that reading the DK thread. She and Ellen (not our Ellen, the other one from SB) had a royal feud going which really showed women at their very worst. She went to LR and wanted to organise them all or something - and was major p.o'd and returned to run her blog, which rapidly went downhill afterwards. Can't remember her name, but beieve that Stan knows it and the whole story.

She does have Talent But she is Crazy.
She's a...

Submitted by mad4clark on January 9, 2007 - 10:34pm.

...egotistical trouble maker. We will have to watch out for her because I fear she is not through blowing her own horn while causing Wes problems.

Submitted by Kathy B. on January 9, 2007 - 10:45pm.

that I don't know if I should post here. Advice?

Blackmail? I would love 2 know more.