Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Kurds...

Like Israel Janet H Ritz supports the Kurds Fully... the other people with out a home. I actually agree with her, the Kurds have been fucked for a very long time. She wrote a recent diary that was promoted over at Larry Johnson's Blog No Quarter. His Blog is one of my favorites. It sickened me to see her name over on that blogg. Her ass KISSING to popular DK diarists is appalling. Larry Johnson is just another; McJoan is her favorite.
  • Please Don't blame yourself. It sounds like you're a wonderful cat mom. There's just too much uncertainty about the food situation to put it on you and I'm sure your cat knew very well how much you cared for him.

    I'm sure he still knows that.

    I'm really am so sorry this has happened, mcjoan, and it's okay to be furious as well as sad, because it's not your fault.

MCJoan is front page diarist...IE can ban anyone. JHRitz then went on to write a diary about the poisonous cat/dog food. And say it ant so, Larry Johnson posts: "Check out "Breaking: Pet Food Recall-US Wheat Gluten Supplier Identified!" by my cyberfriend, Jhritz."

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