Monday, April 16, 2007

Her Book....And the one she is working on

First it is hard to find this book of hers. But it was published by a very small publisher: Martin Communications Press (November 2005). So Small I can not find any other book they published. Then I found this....
  • Name, Occupation, EmployerContributionAddress
    Janet Ritz
    Martin Communications (owner)
    Wesley Clark
    PO Box 1505
    Studio City, CA 91614

Looking back at her Daily Kos Comments Are so much more CRAZY
  • Link

    But who would publish it?
    Non sequitur - not nonsequitur
    Evil - not evile
    You - an idiot.
    Keeping count.
    I really don't have time for anymore of this.
    I guess I'll have to let you have the last word.
    Go for it. Spew your hate. Show your bigotry.

  • Link

    Not right now

    I'm finishing up a book about Erciyes, on a deadline, actually, but am missing it because it's my birthday :O)

Well on the first on JHRitz might... and on the second one she put herself on a deadline. LOL
Ohh ya the second book was going to come out over a year ago.
Looks like she missed her deadline. But of course it really doesn't matter when you publish your own novels.

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