Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Insinuated Grandeur copyist-JHRitz

Writer's Guild of America...From her own Bio Page
Janet is represented by WGA (Writer's Guild of America) signatory Monteiro Rose Dravis Agency [the godly mega churches use/own this agency, no real talent]

Janet's first novel is a global adventure story that uses complex characters and actual science to discover the solution to the world's dependence on oil. Janet is currently editing the screenplay version of this novel.
Now this looks impressive but... it isn't. Any writer that has written anything that has gotten on the TV or in a Film becomes a member of the WGA. Search her name there. She is not a member. She is even paying someone to write a screenplay for her self published novel.Her award winning Music Carrier?
Janet, the 2004 winner of Yahama's International Music Production Contest, is also an accomplished composer for TV, Film and nationally aired commercials...

Janet has performed with many major artists, including, as a very young girl, background vocals for the band Blue Oyster Cult, to, recently, sitting in with actor Jeff Goldblum's All-Star Jazz Band, which also included other top players, such as renowned saxophone player, Tom Scott (Steely Dan), among many others.

Also, in the area of composition, Janet has worked as a copyist/orchestrator....
Again...She is not a member of SAG, WGA W or WGA E, what has she really worked for. What is sitting in? She played with both Mr. Goldblum and Mr. Scott at the same time. Now lets move on to the international award she won. The Amazing Yamaha award.
The contest began in September 2004 with more than 1,400 entrants logging on to www.yamjams.com and entering original song productions created using Yamaha’s 01X, Motif or AW Series product lines....

In the first round, Peer Review, entrants applied online, chose an appropriate product category and genre, uploaded their music by creating an MP3 file, and reviewed songs from six other contestants. Using Broadjam’s technology, contestants were be able to stream and listen to other contestants’ music, join peer reviews, and participate in forums at selected end-user websites.
So we know she is a good brown noser; her album "tough enough" looks a lot like her book... She is her own Label. And won a self entered contest for amatures with a 10k prize in Yamaha gear. So we have a self published author and a self published musician here. What is she 50+ years old?

Nothing a little money wont buy you.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just heard from two people who worked closely with Blue Oyster Cult for many, many years, and they have never heard the name Janet Ritz. They both further stated that EVERYBODY, including themselves, sang with BOC at one point or another. Mostly fans, roadies, etc.

Anonymous said...

Go to Wikipedia and search for her name. You will see she attempted to start a entry about herself... twice... and both were deleted for being shameless self-promotion. If you try to start one about her, you will not be allowed to do so.