Monday, April 16, 2007

Lets look Back a little into this one

Here is a post at Wesley Clark's securingamerica It is Cached Here.

Submitted by pia1482 on January 9, 2007 - 11:40pm.

ran Women 4Clark. Funny you would bring that up donjo, because I was just thinking about that reading the DK thread. She and Ellen (not our Ellen, the other one from SB) had a royal feud going which really showed women at their very worst. She went to LR and wanted to organise them all or something - and was major p.o'd and returned to run her blog, which rapidly went downhill afterwards. Can't remember her name, but beieve that Stan knows it and the whole story.

She does have Talent But she is Crazy.
She's a...

Submitted by mad4clark on January 9, 2007 - 10:34pm.

...egotistical trouble maker. We will have to watch out for her because I fear she is not through blowing her own horn while causing Wes problems.

Submitted by Kathy B. on January 9, 2007 - 10:45pm.

that I don't know if I should post here. Advice?

Blackmail? I would love 2 know more.

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